Thursday, August 13, 2015

3 Things You Can Save Money on Right Now

 When you're trying to save money, every penny counts, but some people take their money saving behavior a bit too far. It isn't realistic for a foodie who loves to try new and exotic dishes to completely stop going out to eat overnight. Nor is it a good idea for somebody who is drowning in credit card and loan debt to take on more interest so that they can have a lower monthly payment. People like Jeremy Marcus didn't get to where they are now by following poor spending habits. You need to start somewhere when trying to save money, but you don't have to cut out the essentials or things that make you happy. Here are three big things that you can cut back on:

Name brand products

Did you just pay $5 for a bottle of shower gel? Do you spend $7 on name brand detergent? There are some products that you can't live without, but luckily there's no reason to spend a fortune every time you go shopping. Usually, the only difference between name brand products and generic ones is the packaging they come in. Buying generic doesn't just begin and end at the grocery store; it can also help save you money at the pharmacy. The vast majority of name brand medications for diabetes, allergies, and other common conditions have a much cheaper generic counterpart. Talk to your doctor about switching to generic medication, and you'll be surprised at how much you'll save!


The vast majority of you reading this are already thinking about how terrible the public transit system in your town is. Most people rely on their personal vehicles to get around, and switching to public transportation often isn't a practical option. Dealing with an unreliable bus and train schedule isn't easy, but carpooling is. Talk to a co-worker about a carpool schedule. You'll save a surprising amount of money on gas and car maintenance.

Your cable, Internet, and cell phone

One of the first things people phase out when they need to save money is their cable. To an extent, cable is a "luxury," but you don't have to give it up completely when trying to save money. Your service provider has a lot of customers, and it's much easier to keep the current ones than to find new ones. Many service providers are willing to jump through hoops to keep their customers happy. Simply give them a call and say the magic words, "I'm considering switching to another provider." You'll start getting offers for lower monthly bills, and even new services that are free of charge.